standard waste bin sign with Islamic religious symbol being discarded



picture of two preteen girls to be wed

The Iranian Parliament recently issued a statement that they regard the law prohibiting marriage for girls under 10 as un-Islamic and illegal.



Adulterers stoned to death in the north

Vancouver Sun, July 30, 2012

A spokesman for the extremist Islamic group controlling northern Mali says a couple who had an adulterous relationship was stoned to death Sunday in the town of Aguelhok. Sanda Abou Mohamed, a spokesman for the group Ansar Dine, said the couple was executed according to Shariah law. Witnesses report the man and woman were buried up to their necks, then pelted with stones.



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Below is a list of sites administered by Darwin Bedford for the purpose of advancing towards a post-theistic paradigm.


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this is me in a burka


Whenever you see the word Allah, please think to yourself "Everything said in the context of Allah being real is mere nonsense." and you'll be fine.



a Draw Muhammad Day example - crybaby Muhammad

Everybody Draw Mohammed Day


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The time has come to abandon Islam and advance beyond a religious paradigm.



  • to advocate against the widespread acceptance of the teachings of Muhammad as written in the Koran;

  • to advocate prescinding the infiltration of Islamic conscience into law and the courts, traditions, and government proceedings;

  • to reveal and expose the absurdity of the supernatural claims of religious adherents of the Koran;

  • to prevent the loss of human energy being wasted through religious practice, such as prayer, resulting from the interpretation of the Koran;

  • to prevent further justification of actions causing death and destruction from those in power who abuse the widespread acceptance of Islamic faith;

  • to rally the support of reasonable thinking people into bringing about a paradigm shift regarding the support for Islamic indoctrination of children and adults; 

  • to hold the religious authorities accountable for their wrong doings;

  • to eliminate tax relief provided to Islamic institutions for spreading untrue and absurd supernatural claims;

  • to save individuals from grief and misery resulting from their acceptance of false information disseminated by Islamic institutions;

  • to redirect human energy from Islamic practices to reason-based societal and environmental efforts;

  • to create a clearing for world peace by eliminating religious conflict--a major contributor to wars;

  • to have religious concepts such as Allah and life-after-death to be legally recognized as a form of child mind fraud;

  • to have society denormalize religion;


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I love encouragement. If you want me to continue my efforts to have the world understand that religion is harmful to society and mind fraud to individuals, then please send me a positive comment, or ideas that would help me. You could also make a donation, but remember, this website is not involved with a registered non-profit organization and therefore, your donation is not tax-deductible for federal income tax purposes.
